Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My running schedule has been not so good. What is going on?? I guess that is going to be a part of just going with the flow. I guess in the whole process I have to realize that it isn't always going to be easy to get my run in but I have to make time. So I ran Monday & Tuesday...but today I didn't have time to go. I am hoping I can find some time tomorrow. I need to go with a running group. I know some days "Off & Running" has training groups. I'll look in to them for this week. I can just imagine it now...all these super fit people and me lagging way behind them clutching on to my every breath. LOL. I need to get up to 4 miles by the end of this week, I'll check back in to make sure I reach that goal. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another crazy week with Maddox being sick!!

Most of this week has been dedicated to Maddox feeling better. Days off work, trips to the hospital, just a crazy busy week. He is actually doing much better now but I don't think that Randy & I got to spend any time this week together. It was just in and out, making sure Maddox got to all of his appointments and got his medicine on time. I am drained but still moving forward. As long as Maddox is improving...and he is....then we are doing the right thing. Randy had a sick episode this morning and I am just hoping that it was just something that will pass.

While we are on the subject of being sick...why is it that we have insurance but we are still paying on doctors bills?? It's absolutely crazy! That is the whole reason we have insurance to begin with! The antibiotic that we had to just recently buy was $80.00, plus each doctor's visit is $ all adds so quickly. I couldn't even imagine being older and having more health problems. I really think I'll be a citizen of Canada by then for the free health care. smile! GO WES AND MOM!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I am so glad that you guys seem to be supporting Obama...he is the "new kid" on the block and had a lot of cynicism to face from the American public. Especially with the machine on the right wing trying to busily put the "RIGHT" candidate on the republican side. This year has been quite the year for a change (a word rightfully stolen from the Obama campaign and used by everyone) From the start Randy & I really thought his message was great. He can hold this nation together, I can see myself in Obama. He has the same spirit that I have, the same home for our nation. He will be able to bring people together, not polarize them. I thought it might be the generation I am in is sick and tired of not being able to do anything while the rich white men in control took over. I see now from the voting that in fact it is all people that are sick and tired of a small group of religious right people trying to push their agenda. Since when did religion become such a big part of politics? Since when are we stripped of our freedoms. I thought we were in America, land of the free, but I felt my voice slowly slipping away from me during the 8 years the Bush administration destroyed our pride in America, Economy, freedoms thanks to the Patriot act, and has imposed specific religion on the world. Not to mention starting a war that never needed to take place at all causing the whole world to look at Americans even worse off than they had if we are trying to impose our beliefs and our thoughts on the rest of the world. So many people have died and reputations have been destroyed, lies have been told and people have gotten rich. All for a small cost of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. If had anyone to represent my voice right now in all of this mess that we are in I would want Barack more than anyone to lead the United States of America.

As much experience as Hillary has, and she has TONS, I just don't see her representing my thoughts and feelings. She is too political for me, plays the game too well....although Barack must be able to keep up with the best of them regarding politics I don't leave after watching him speak thinking that I just saw a show. Like the tear that Hillary produced before New Hampshire. I didn't feel it was genuine. It may have been...but I didn't feel it. I am proud that a woman is running for president and there are a lot of women that I respect and have a lot of admiration for. I don't feel the honesty and compassion from Hillary. These typically female traits that I look for are apparent in Obama which is a odd twist with the democratic candidates. I leave feeling like he is honest and being true to himself. I like that...other people like that...and I really have let out a sigh of relief that he just might win. That people are changing their minds...that gives me hope. Your e-mails have given me hope for this nation...and the hope that Maddox will live in a better America. If we can only start to try to dig ourselves out of this hole....

I want a leader that inspires me to contribute and gives me hope that we can change. We'll see as times goes on with this election. I am really excited about this process this year...and following all of it on the news. We have got to take a stand and make a difference this year.